SmallSite Web Design
Just give us your words and pictures

SmallSite Web Design

Light-weight websites with speed, efficiency and budget in mind

It is expected that everyone has a web-presence. Social media offers little flexibility and limited options. We can create you a website and deliver your online-presence with streamline efficiency. SmallSite can take away the burden of creating your website so you can get on with the things that matter.

Many businesses and individuals only require a small website and often require nothing more than a point-of-contact online yet are unsure how or where to start. We specialise in light-weight web designs to cover these needs.

3G reception can be slow good-mobile-bad-mobile

Ever tried accessing a website on a 3G mobile connection? Many users frequently suffer with limited internet connectivity and/or with poor speeds.
All those "whistles and bells" websites (that may appear fancy) come at cost, performance-wise and financially and can deliver a less-than-satisfactory user experience when conditions are inadequate.

Whether you're a large organisation or a small group/individual, we can get you an online presence. Let us build and manage your website so you can tell the world what you have to offer and make you or your business easier to be found and contacted, all day and everyday!

About Us

We are based in the small town of Holbeach, South Lincolnshire, and have been providing web design and creation services since 2005.

Being a small business has its advantages for the customer as well as the supplier. With minimal overheads, we can deliver the personal service you deserve at a very attractive cost. You always get to speak directly with us so we can deal with you quickly with the personal touch you deserve. We understand the needs and benefits of getting online and will have you up and running in no time.

Our philosophy at SmallSite is that you do not need an abundance of "fancy" features or excessive eye-candy. All those "whistles & bells" will slow down website response and performance time besides costing financially more to implement. Don't stall your visitors getting to where YOU want them to be!

Price guide

Our latest special-offer package is very attractive...

January 2023 Pricing

check/un-check boxes below for quote:
  • Domain name + home page £xx
  • Hosting +£xx
  • Forwarding +£xx
  • HTTPS certificate +£xx
  • Standard Email +£xx
  • Contact page +£xx
  • Email form +£xx
  • About Us page +£xx
  • Additional pages* +£xx each



Price includes hours worth of updates during the year

Pages can be added at a later date at the rates applicable at that time.
*Additional pages = fixed text & images, ie, non variable content.


Domain name

You will need a domain name which be your unique website-address, ie www.yourwebsite.co.uk.

Sometimes know as a URL (uniform resource locator) this allows email-addresses of your choice ie whatever@yourwebsite.co.uk

Having your own domain-name is an easy and relatively-cheap investment. It disappoints us why so many people and businesses do not obtain one, though understandable given a little bit of technical knowledge is required.



We can highly recommend purchasing dedicated hosting. It will give you your own "piece" of the internet for your website and emails. Though this is not essential there are numerous benefits to doing this including your own email-boxes, better performance and the ability to present a more professional appearance to others. It can further support any future upgrading. Hosting can be added at any time.

If do not opt for hosting you will need to choose domain name forwarding or domain name masking. There are pros and cons either way so read the info on the options.

For the best visual-appearance with adaptive-scaling, we highly recommend using dedicated hosting.

Please read our section on Masking or Forwarding here


Forwarding or Masking?

If you decide not to invest in a hosting package you will need select either domain name forwarding or masking.

Forwarding will forward your website address to the location where your website is hosted. This will guarantee that your site appears as intended across different devices and screens but your browser address will show the forwarded URL (webs address)

Masking will still use your website address to forward to where the site is hosted yet the URL (website address) will remain, unchanging in the browser window as it masks the actual location of the host address. There may be some side-effects when using masking such as lack of adaptive-scaling so the site may not appear as intended on smaller screens or devices. The site will still be visible but might require the viewer to "zoom and scroll" to obtain a comfortable view.

Further info on the above here


HTTPS certificate

It is expected by most to know that a site is secure. You know- the little 🔒 icon. The reality is that it is only of concern if you are handling sensitive or personal/confidential information (bank-details, logins, personal-info, etc.)

If your site is simply for viewing only, (think a site of just words and pictures) there is no real benefit to investing in additional security (you need bouncers at a kids disco?
A fair analogy is to ask yourself, How could your credentials be exposed if you browsed an outlet but did not have those details upon you- It's unlikely you will be compromised for viewing if those particulars remained elsewhere?Even then, if they asked you, Could you confirm your bank account number and sort code, common sense prevails....

Still, in this age of paranoia, many prefer the peace of mind of a secure site. It can add credibility to a website and may also allow it to be more widely accepted by search-engines and other places where the site is linked to or listed.

HTTPS certificates will require annual renewal


Standard Email

All domains come with mail forwarding whereby you will get to choose multiple email names (ie whatever@yourwebsite.co.uk) that can be forwarded to any existing email-address that you already own.

The Standard Email package

Adding the standard email package will give you some "POP" mailboxes where you login to gain access to your emails. This also has the advantage that when you reply it will appear as whatever@yourwebsite.co.uk rather than your own personal email address, as forwarded to if you didnt have the standard email package. We can assist in setting these up with you.

If you buy hosting it will come with the standard mail package included.


Email Form

Without an email form

Without an email form there will be a "clickable" link, eg: whatever@yourdomain.co.uk that should open up the user's email application in preparation to create a message to send to that address.

With an email form

The addition of an email form will present the user with a form where they enter their message within your website. This makes if much more convienient for the user to send you a message. This does require some "back-end" coding reflected in the cost.

Either method will send to your chosen email address, whether its using email-forwarding or to your chosen address or to your dedicated mailbox as part of your domain-hosting.

Extras to consider

A few extras can improve your website such as;


Please complete all fields

Content to include in your website:

You can simply just give us your words and pictures and let us take care of your website. However, we will need the content from yourself. If you are unsure what to put on your website check out below

About you

Stating the obvious, but people will want to know a bit about you or your business or what you have to offer. Tell them why they should choose you rather than another.


Definitely need this one. You want to make easy for people to get in touch! A page of contact details could include:

  • email form
  • email address
  • website (in case they missed that bit!)
  • Your geographic location (business address, etc)
  • Telephone/fax/mobile numbers
  • Hours of operation
  • Social media links
  • Could include map with location

A nice email form can make it easy for customers to contact you. Click here for our example

Your logo or branding

You should have a logo or brand identity. If you are need of help with designing or creating please contact us.

Your services

What do you do/supply/make/etc. Describe you product or services

Your rates/prices

Decide whether you want to include prices or fees. Click here for our example

Articles or blog

How about a case-study or review of one of your tasks you have done to give an insight of how you operate?


You can include images or audio/video content in any page but perhaps you would like a page dedicated to this?


Some sites may benefit from a "frequent asked questions" page, anything you can do to help those seeking you out

Terms and conditions

This could be a page or a separate document that we can link to. You may wish to update this from time-to-time. Click here for our example

Reviews or testimonials

Always good to let everyone know how you are rated!


Perhaps you have some info or documents to share as part of what you offer?

Social Media

Ah yes!! The proverbial "crutch" of the modern-living that many of us lean on. Can't live with it (sometimes) but as a communication too you can't afford to be without it.
We can help you get set up and link to your social media sites. You could even embed some in to your website as a news-feed section.


Our philosophy at SmallSite is that you do not need all the flashy whistles & bells. It may look great but it often slows down your visitors getting to where YOU want them to be. Keeping your website light-weight will make pages and content load faster, which is something to consider as some users may be connecting with less than ideal network speeds. If you've ever tried surfing the internet on a 3G mobile connection you will know how annoying this can be. Unfortunately this is fact still to consider even in today's age of fibre broadband.

Domain names:

Hosting, Masking or Forwarding?

There are THREE main options to consider when using your domain name; Dedicated-hosting, domain-name-forwarding or domain-name-masking. These must be considered and are explained here.

Dedicated Domain Hosting

With dedicated website hosting everything will appear as expected on your website. The layout will adapt to suit the size and type of screen that is viewing the device, from desktop through mobile, landscape or portrait orientation. This does require the addition of purchasing dedicated web-hosting option though this will include many other benefits and serve you well for a variety other needs. See our pricing.

Domain name Forwarding

With domain name forwarding you can expect your website to adapt to the size and type of screen that is viewing the device, from desktop through mobile, landscape or portrait orientation. The caveat here is that even though you access the website using YOUR website address the browser URL address will show as something longer than your actual domain name as your URL (website name) is forwarded to the location where it resides. There is usually no cost for this option

Domain name Masking

With domain name masking you some devices may not all the website layout to adapt to the size and type of screen that is viewing the device, from desktop through mobile, landscape or portrait orientation. Another side-effect, good or bad depending how you look at it, is that YOUR website is permanently seen as the website using YOUR website address. This means YOUR website address will be the one and only address for all of your site. There is usually no cost for this option

Adaptive display, as viewed on mobile phone using Domain-forwarding OR dedicated hosting

adaptive-vertical-1  adaptive-vertical-2

Notice how the scaling and layout has adapted to suit the screen size of the (mobile) device it has been view on.

Note when using forwarding that although the URL (your website address) will be entered as www.yourwebsite.co.uk the browser will be forwardedquot; to www.smallsite.co.uk/yourwebsite, (where your site is hosted if you haven't got dedicated-hosting) which is what will then be seen in your browser's address bar.

Non-Adaptive display as a result of masking
Sometimes a side-effect of using masked forwarding is the whole page is squeezed onto the available screen, however the user should be able to zoom to a level that suits them.

How masked-forwarding can appear on some mobile devices.


zoom in picture

SmallSite Examples

Here are a few examples to check out. Any of these sites can be adapted and customised to suit your needs:

Mobile Fish and chips

Mobile fish an chip van covering a local area. Menu, prices, times locations, etc.

Garden Services

Landscaping, garden, fence and other outdoor services. Local tradesman.

Tuition service

Any personal/private service. Simple website yet still very stylish.

Small Band or Group

Example of a website suitable for and band. About, images, booking, audio etc.

Large Band or Group

A website for the working musician or band with rich content.

Other Band or Group

A small website for a band or musician covering most band's needs.

Yoga Classes

Any club or group could benefit from having a webiste, whether a free-social meet-up or paid-classes and workshops.

Outlet with stock list

Catalogue of items.
The user has control of the catalogue contents allowing them to add/edit/remote all items.

Four page Demo site

An generic example of a simple four page website. Could be applied to a wide range of individuals, groups, businesses or products of any kind

Home visit service

A mobile service. Showing work done and prices. Ideal for any business, whether mobile or at a fixed location.

Wood Stoves

Wood burning stoves outlet. Items sold, installing & services for this business.


For a personal professional service. Suitable for range of small businesses. Simple yet still very stylish.

Dog Grooming

Doggie grooming parlour. Another simple and effective design ideal for a small business.

Surf shop demo site

A four page website with facebook newsfeed for live content update.

Musician or band Site

Example site for a musician or band with pictures and gig diary dates


Consultancy service.

All colour schemes can easily be adjusted to suit your style or branding

Click here for our price guide